(612) 618-9494 [email protected]


Youth Volunteer Program

Programme de jeunes bénévoles Jeunes

Assist teachers with classroom activities, engage and interact with students, help keep our classrooms clean and safe! This program is a great opportunity to gain valuable teaching and French skills under the supervision of highly experienced teachers.
Volunteers will earn certificates based on the hours worked. 

Minimum 4 years of French
At least 12 years of age
Babysitting CPR/ First Aid certificate
Love working with kids
Babysitting experience

Volunteering looks great on work resumes and college applications, while also being a great way to stay immersed in the French language. Per the BBC, French is a group 1 language for English speakers to learn, which equates to 480 hours of instruction to achieve fluency. Maintaining language skills is best with an hour of immersion every day, but the same number of hours condensed into fewer days will still be effective. Our Youth Volunteer Program offers a flexible schedule while still providing a beneficial immersive experience. 

Volunteering options available for our Summer Camp and After School Program. Our Summer Camp schedule allows for three to five days of volunteering and for either half a day or the full day of camp. Our Youth Volunteer Program is very flexible and able to accommodate any youth sport and activities. Contact us with questions and submit an application!

youth volunteer program